
Genuine Fake

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About Me

Gender Female
Location Columbus, OH
Interested in Women
Status Single

Contact Me

IM ilurvekitteh, i-love-johnny-depp-more-than-you@hotmail.com
Website myspace.com/nonconformistascanbe


Showing latest 7 of 7 comments

Happy Thanksgiving! :D

By Snaily on Nov 26, 2009 1:47 am · History

You're welcome. :)

By so-sarcastic on May 29, 2009 10:54 pm · History

No problem!

By futura on May 29, 2009 2:51 pm · History

you're welcome!(:

By rawrlawlz on May 29, 2009 8:04 am · History

Oh!,Thank You for the Wlpr cmnt :D!!!!I Appreciate it!
I'll Let you know,whenever I Make them :D!Lolz,CB is actually easy!^ ^V!

~take care~

By Snaily on Apr 14, 2009 6:33 pm · History

Lolz,Thanks for the Lyt Cmnt!...Oh If I Did Learn Myspace Lyt Codes,Then Yes.I'll Try It Out!!!!

By Snaily on Apr 13, 2009 8:53 pm · History

div with the miyavi image? um.. not to sure on that.

By Blaqheartedstar on Sep 24, 2008 9:10 pm · History


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Registered Jul 31, 2008
Last update Jun 1, 2009

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Layouts 5
Graphics 1
Tutorials 2

Web Skills

HTML, Photoshop, Animation Shop, Windows